

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Antonio García and Oliver Gavin finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Antonio García and Oliver Gavin have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

No Info available

Evolution of Antonio García vs Oliver Gavin (Race)

  • Results are based on when Antonio García and Oliver Gavin finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Antonio García for winning, -1 point for losses against Oliver Gavin.

Evolution of Antonio García vs Oliver Gavin (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Antonio García and Oliver Gavin have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Antonio García for winning, -1 point for losses against Oliver Gavin.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Both drivers did not get any podium

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



Corvette Racing

Antonio García

Antonio García

Oliver Gavin

Oliver Gavin





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Antonio García ( 10.18%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Antonio García

Antonio García

Oliver Gavin

Oliver Gavin

61 Wins

43 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.58.203 12 11 1.57.882
2 3.54.230 31 32 3.54.702
3 1.21.491 19 15 1.20.912
4 2.01.358 15 16 2.01.628
5 3.59.793 37 36 3.59.435
6 1.20.675 22 21 1.20.598
7 2.02.633 30 23 2.01.743
8 3.59.633 34 32 3.59.519
9 1.19.619 30 29 1.19.586
10 1.58.996 31 32 1.59.007
11 ?? 17 18 ??
12 1.22.919 20 17 1.22.661
13 3.57.181 38 36 3.55.910
14 0.51.505 16 13 0.51.299
15 1.15.478 12 13 1.15.782
16 1.19.536 19 20 1.19.727
17 2.04.921 17 15 2.04.871
18 1.30.413 16 14 1.29.945
19 1.46.497 16 15 1.46.409
20 1.19.086 22 21 1.19.065
21 1.59.348 24 21 1.58.934
22 1.19.047 16 18 1.19.083
23 1.23.042 19 17 1.22.924
24 3.59.526 33 32 3.58.644
25 0.51.537 19 17 0.51.490
26 1.15.601 32 18 1.16.083
27 2.04.212 16 17 2.04.277
28 1.30.132 14 12 1.30.007
29 2.17.442 12 13 2.17.594
30 1.46.923 21 22 1.47.038
31 1.19.128 17 20 1.19.440
32 1.47.952 53 27 1.44.617
33 1.59.224 30 29 1.59.222
34 1.17.939 9 12 1.18.489
35 1.22.373 12 15 1.22.768
36 3.54.777 30 32 3.55.190
37 1.43.976 24 18 1.43.488
38 1.58.828 23 27 1.59.451
39 1.17.739 11 12 1.17.756
40 1.22.815 19 17 1.22.711
41 1.15.325 20 22 1.15.463
42 2.02.608 17 20 2.03.689
43 1.43.568 6 7 1.43.797
44 2.04.651 19 22 2.05.245
45 1.33.773 14 8 1.31.685
46 2.05.979 11 6 2.03.974
47 1.58.856 24 25 1.58.878
48 1.17.676 13 12 1.17.573
49 1.23.450 20 18 1.23.385
50 3.57.967 50 45 3.55.848
51 1.43.135 24 22 1.42.794
52 1.15.198 16 21 1.15.549
53 0.51.264 13 10 0.50.858
54 2.03.432 23 24 2.03.521
55 1.41.557 1 2 1.41.568
56 2.05.461 22 20 2.05.190
57 1.18.283 17 22 1.18.468
58 1.44.359 21 23 1.44.685
59 1.56.368 18 16 1.56.252
60 1.16.909 10 15 1.17.115
61 2.03.030 18 20 2.03.594
62 3.51.484 37 41 3.52.017
63 1.43.243 20 18 1.43.189
64 1.14.844 20 21 1.14.904
65 0.50.730 6 5 0.50.720
66 2.03.581 18 17 2.03.358
67 1.40.802 6 5 1.40.758
68 1.22.789 15 17 1.23.009
69 1.17.714 16 19 1.17.823
70 1.42.779 18 23 1.43.453
71 1.56.588 23 25 1.56.900
72 1.17.293 16 17 1.17.533
73 1.20.719 18 23 1.21.183
74 3.50.242 39 45 3.50.952
75 1.42.497 19 18 1.42.365
76 1.13.934 15 17 1.14.080
77 0.49.754 1 4 0.50.048
78 2.02.746 16 18 2.03.170
79 1.56.760 14 17 1.57.492
80 1.22.806 16 14 1.22.700
81 1.17.030 16 22 1.17.451
82 1.42.583 16 23 1.43.239
83 1.56.158 16 18 1.56.248
84 1.16.685 16 14 1.16.520
85 1.19.919 19 16 1.19.721
86 3.48.830 31 39 3.49.573
87 1.40.799 14 16 1.41.291
88 1.14.295 20 21 1.14.769
89 0.49.690 5 6 0.49.748
90 2.01.085 19 14 2.00.663
91 1.40.708 2 5 1.41.578
92 1.22.026 18 19 1.22.161
93 1.15.702 15 21 1.16.048
94 1.42.545 15 16 1.42.801
95 1.42.523 10 9 1.42.251
96 1.55.634 14 15 1.56.015
97 2.00.854 14 15 2.00.904
98 1.41.228 4 5 1.41.662
99 1.16.181 12 13 1.16.212
100 1.17.985 9 11 1.18.448
101 1.14.278 1 5 1.15.067
102 1.15.163 12 16 1.15.856
103 1.21.483 10 12 1.21.853
104 1.55.456 13 16 1.56.446
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Antonio García

Antonio García

Oliver Gavin

Oliver Gavin

53 Wins

24 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 - 6 7 -
2 - 14 11 -
3 - 15 16 -
4 - 15 10 -
5 - 13 14 -
6 - 19 21 -
7 - 9 6 -
8 - 10 9 -
9 - 10 11 -
10 - 19 16 -
11 2h00m49.060 9 5 2h00m46.952
12 - 17 8 -
13 - 12 11 -
14 - 9 26 -
15 - 19 22 -
16 - 14 18 -
17 - 14 11 -
18 - 15 16 -
19 1h32m19.817 5 6 1h32m20.274
20 - 11 14 -
21 - 14 19 -
22 - 19 17 -
23 - 8 10 -
24 - 8 12 -
25 - 16 20 -
26 - 4 7 -
27 - 9 14 -
28 - 17 15 -
29 - 14 17 -
30 - 17 20 -
31 2h42m19.568 6 8 -
32 - 18 20 -
33 - 10 6 7h52m15.764
34 - 8 7 -
35 - 10 13 -
36 - 17 14 -
37 - 17 15 -
38 - 6 5 -
39 - 18 13 -
40 2h40m13.166 1 17 -
41 - 13 15 -
42 - 12 11 -
43 - 8 16 -
44 1h42m02.490 10 6 1h41m46.880
45 - 20 25 -
46 - 10 13 -
47 - 14 15 -
48 2h41m17.089 1 6 2h42m56.173
49 - 12 16 -
50 - 8 10 -
51 - 13 14 -
52 - 14 11 -
53 - 16 21 -
54 - 14 17 -
55 - 11 12 -
56 2h40m23.958 2 4 2h40m50.491
57 - 15 14 -
58 2h40m53.599 2 6 2h41m28.621
59 - 12 14 -
60 - 19 13 -
61 - 16 28 -
62 - 12 18 -
63 - 9 10 -
64 - 18 19 -
65 2h41m06.272 5 6 -
66 - 15 17 -
67 2h41m32.048 3 4 2h41m32.745
68 - 14 15 -
69 - 13 16 -
70 - 8 12 -
71 - 14 13 -
72 - 10 11 -
73 2h40m40.846 1 4 2h41m51.706
74 - 12 9 -
75 - 8 9 -
76 - 11 13 -
77 - 10 11 -
* Results when both drivers finish the race