

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Christian Vietoris and Gary Paffett finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Christian Vietoris and Gary Paffett have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Christian Vietoris is slower than Gary Paffett.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Christian Vietoris is faster than Gary Paffett.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Christian Vietoris vs Gary Paffett (Race)

  • Results are based on when Christian Vietoris and Gary Paffett finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Christian Vietoris for winning, -1 point for losses against Gary Paffett.

Evolution of Christian Vietoris vs Gary Paffett (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Christian Vietoris and Gary Paffett have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Christian Vietoris for winning, -1 point for losses against Gary Paffett.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



HWA Team

Christian Vietoris

Christian Vietoris

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Christian Vietoris ( 27.87%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Christian Vietoris

Christian Vietoris

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

4 Wins

25 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.34.783 15 6 1.34.287
2 1.18.862 16 3 1.18.820
3 0.41.410 2 1 0.41.266
4 1.26.320 14 2 1.26.292
5 0.49.156 8 1 0.49.139
6 1.24.944 18 11 1.24.486
7 1.31.973 9 8 1.31.820
8 1.21.583 16 2 1.21.002
9 1.27.454 19 16 1.27.288
10 1.34.358 12 2 1.34.261
11 1.36.194 3 6 1.40.496
12 0.41.709 16 11 0.41.363
13 1.25.518 16 10 1.25.065
14 1.17.715 1 2 1.17.940
15 0.48.485 10 3 0.48.460
16 0.59.038 10 7 0.58.831
17 1.23.688 8 5 1.23.514
18 1.21.400 21 7 1.20.333
19 1.32.055 17 12 1.31.414
20 1.34.170 20 16 1.33.899
21 1.34.242 21 14 1.32.834
22 1.21.082 16 17 1.21.322
23 1.39.022 23 21 1.38.384
24 0.48.033 6 5 0.48.033
25 1.30.031 22 21 1.29.925
26 1.25.362 7 19 1.25.577
27 1.18.202 11 8 1.18.291
28 1.31.504 17 10 1.30.965
29 1.34.066 22 16 1.33.708
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Christian Vietoris

Christian Vietoris

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

10 Wins

14 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 1h05m03.389 4 1 1h04m37.615
2 1h10m31.494 11 2 1h09m46.814
3 1h10m24.780 6 1 1h10m01.585
4 1h15m46.241 8 4 1h15m14.671
5 1h12m06.087 16 6 1h11m36.612
6 1h13m04.903 12 2 1h12m10.236
7 1h08m44.207 10 2 1h08m01.283
8 1h10m21.258 3 4 1h10m24.196
9 1h12m07.659 8 6 1h11m55.790
10 1h08m50.133 7 9 1h08m51.456
11 1h10m10.072 3 1 1h09m58.562
12 1h12m20.980 3 18 -
13 1h15m19.843 10 5 1h14m56.007
14 1h15m43.459 3 17 -
15 1h12m39.520 18 6 1h11m55.601
16 1h13m36.890 15 9 1h13m33.089
17 1h17m14.519 7 9 1h17m21.080
18 1h07m42.610 15 12 1h07m37.812
19 1h15m28.785 1 8 1h15m49.382
20 1h15m25.975 7 16 1h15m38.461
21 1h08m38.409 9 17 1h09m04.037
22 1h10m07.720 6 15 1h10m39.858
23 1h16m02.732 2 13 -
24 1h08m55.101 14 10 1h08m52.385
* Results when both drivers finish the race