

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Gary Paffett and Paul di Resta finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Gary Paffett and Paul di Resta have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Gary Paffett is slower than Paul di Resta.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Gary Paffett is faster than Paul di Resta.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Gary Paffett vs Paul di Resta (Race)

  • Results are based on when Gary Paffett and Paul di Resta finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Gary Paffett for winning, -1 point for losses against Paul di Resta.

Evolution of Gary Paffett vs Paul di Resta (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Gary Paffett and Paul di Resta have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Gary Paffett for winning, -1 point for losses against Paul di Resta.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



HWA Team

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

Paul di Resta

Paul di Resta





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Paul di Resta ( 3.57%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

Paul di Resta

Paul di Resta

41 Wins

26 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.33.072 11 6 1.32.456
2 1.33.435 7 2 1.33.534
3 0.49.329 4 15 0.49.440
4 1.32.548 2 5 1.31.751
5 1.22.582 12 9 1.22.373
6 1.24.650 16 6 1.23.850
7 0.41.825 6 1 0.41.750
8 1.06.806 4 2 1.06.889
9 1.22.312 8 2 1.20.446
10 1.32.591 2 4 1.32.787
11 1.33.214 1 8 1.36.088
12 1.30.220 4 5 1.29.534
13 1.18.956 9 1 1.18.772
14 0.48.588 7 8 0.48.671
15 1.23.748 5 4 1.24.376
16 1.32.286 2 3 1.32.363
17 0.41.291 5 1 0.41.278
18 1.21.707 10 1 1.21.394
19 1.37.982 3 5 1.38.179
20 1.10.471 1 6 1.10.309
21 0.59.045 2 1 0.58.937
22 1.32.834 14 18 1.33.639
23 1.21.322 17 20 1.21.795
24 1.38.384 21 19 1.38.133
25 0.48.033 5 2 0.47.976
26 1.29.925 21 18 1.29.509
27 1.25.577 19 23 1.25.932
28 1.18.291 8 19 1.18.491
29 1.30.965 10 12 1.31.005
30 1.33.708 16 10 1.33.468
31 1.31.042 2 6 1.31.275
32 1.32.025 7 11 1.32.103
33 1.16.510 9 16 1.17.020
34 1.16.368 4 16 1.16.813
35 1.35.457 9 13 1.35.575
36 1.35.284 11 12 1.35.406
37 0.47.781 13 17 0.48.014
38 0.47.495 11 13 0.47.510
39 1.27.538 9 16 1.28.057
40 1.27.113 9 4 1.26.887
41 1.28.375 8 11 1.28.567
42 1.27.842 13 5 1.26.912
43 1.21.331 8 2 1.21.052
44 1.22.598 15 11 1.22.502
45 1.22.243 6 13 1.22.454
46 1.30.958 11 13 1.31.026
47 1.30.799 11 18 1.31.800
48 1.32.264 1 12 1.32.841
49 1.32.881 10 6 1.32.657
50 1.38.135 14 8 1.37.825
51 1.38.218 3 15 1.38.853
52 1.37.994 9 1 1.37.349
53 1.37.025 5 3 1.36.977
54 0.47.872 4 5 0.47.899
55 0.47.739 2 4 0.47.882
56 1.30.778 1 3 1.30.980
57 1.30.225 1 5 1.30.810
58 1.18.398 6 12 1.18.625
59 1.17.948 1 2 1.18.021
60 1.46.774 8 10 1.46.926
61 1.47.434 4 1 1.46.826
62 1.22.231 2 8 1.22.530
63 1.22.146 2 11 1.22.566
64 1.37.123 10 4 1.36.534
65 1.23.404 1 3 1.23.632
66 1.32.737 2 8 1.32.925
67 1.32.846 3 11 1.33.114
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

Paul di Resta

Paul di Resta

34 Wins

25 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 1h10m01.572 1 4 1h10m16.706
2 1h08m42.163 5 7 1h08m43.030
3 1h05m52.688 1 6 1h06m07.007
4 1h08m56.402 5 4 1h08m55.932
5 1h10m33.225 4 1 1h10m31.345
6 1h09m02.208 4 7 1h09m11.982
7 1h04m38.472 1 2 1h04m39.306
8 1h06m01.702 1 3 1h06m03.494
9 1h02m31.580 1 4 1h02m33.831
10 1h10m12.735 7 5 1h10m04.929
11 1h12m45.098 5 2 1h12m37.282
12 1h08m19.803 6 10 1h08m36.818
13 1h10m36.074 3 2 1h10m30.331
14 1h07m04.346 1 2 1h07m04.742
15 1h10m18.332 5 1 1h10m05.552
16 1h11m09.856 4 1 1h11m05.254
17 1h07m47.119 4 1 1h07m27.578
18 1h15m10.877 2 9 1h15m45.722
19 51m57.658 1 2 52m01.408
20 1h07m37.812 12 14 1h07m41.406
21 1h15m49.382 8 4 1h15m37.691
22 - 12 15 -
23 1h09m04.037 17 18 1h09m07.292
24 1h10m39.858 15 4 1h09m55.617
25 1h08m52.385 10 4 1h08m41.676
26 57m30.554 7 8 57m37.246
27 56m58.200 2 6 57m20.690
28 56m57.756 6 16 57m26.029
29 56m27.867 4 13 56m56.802
30 58m23.998 8 1 57m52.984
31 58m14.245 9 6 58m09.476
32 53m50.239 10 11 53m50.518
33 58m07.781 7 14 58m19.469
34 57m23.873 8 7 57m23.262
35 55m11.515 10 2 54m13.237
36 57m38.553 14 2 56m50.157
37 57m46.533 17 11 57m26.750
38 57m25.634 4 9 57m31.221
39 57m17.093 9 14 57m21.766
40 57m03.543 4 16 58m23.469
41 58m03.639 1 7 58m20.239
42 58m07.166 3 9 58m15.149
43 58m02.127 9 6 58m00.281
44 57m27.909 1 4 57m45.800
45 57m25.365 6 1 57m13.199
46 1h19m06.036 18 5 1h18m06.405
47 56m13.599 2 4 56m21.468
48 56m45.071 13 6 56m24.707
49 57m29.724 1 2 57m31.146
50 56m45.688 2 3 56m46.213
51 57m39.534 6 16 58m01.950
52 56m24.301 2 1 56m23.282
53 58m58.163 14 6 58m18.956
54 57m21.631 3 18 58m18.809
55 57m24.617 5 2 57m20.179
56 57m01.189 10 4 56m54.744
57 57m50.404 3 4 57m52.667
58 57m02.575 4 8 57m07.886
59 58m19.819 3 14 58m42.185
* Results when both drivers finish the race