

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Juan Pablo Montoya and Hélio Castroneves finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Juan Pablo Montoya and Hélio Castroneves have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Juan Pablo Montoya is slower than Hélio Castroneves.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Juan Pablo Montoya is faster than Hélio Castroneves.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Juan Pablo Montoya vs Hélio Castroneves (Race)

  • Results are based on when Juan Pablo Montoya and Hélio Castroneves finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Juan Pablo Montoya for winning, -1 point for losses against Hélio Castroneves.

Evolution of Juan Pablo Montoya vs Hélio Castroneves (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Juan Pablo Montoya and Hélio Castroneves have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Juan Pablo Montoya for winning, -1 point for losses against Hélio Castroneves.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



Team Penske

Juan Pablo Montoya

Juan Pablo Montoya

Hélio Castroneves

Hélio Castroneves





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Juan Pablo Montoya ( 19.92%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Juan Pablo Montoya

Juan Pablo Montoya

Hélio Castroneves

Hélio Castroneves

22 Wins

53 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.08.364 16 9 1.08.111
2 1.08.645 8 6 1.08.625
3 1.24.620 8 10 1.24.883
4 2.35.839 10 4 2.36.081
5 1.19.729 6 1 1.17.536
6 1.17.297 15 3 1.16.382
7 0.48.115 4 14 0.48.367
8 0.59.964 11 2 0.59.446
9 1.00.832 14 1 0.59.170
10 1.20.403 1 7 1.20.892
11 0.35.305 19 3 0.34.665
12 0.59.820 11 3 0.59.149
13 1.34.710 11 15 1.39.869
14 0.43.350 3 8 0.43.614
15 1.18.810 19 6 1.18.877
16 1.06.170 2 1 1.05.891
17 1.00.853 4 3 1.00.835
18 1.06.658 2 1 1.06.629
19 1.07.723 14 1 1.07.192
20 1.09.807 4 3 1.09.738
21 0.39.819 15 10 0.39.704
22 1.16.442 3 2 1.16.120
23 0.48.158 5 3 0.48.039
24 0.59.624 3 7 0.59.894
25 1.06.283 5 2 1.05.833
26 0.35.230 3 1 0.35.081
27 1.05.208 10 4 1.05.062
28 1.22.875 19 1 1.21.621
29 1.16.843 5 14 1.17.255
30 1.00.531 4 3 1.00.499
31 0.38.452 3 1 0.38.260
32 1.07.905 5 1 1.07.124
33 1.07.562 20 7 1.07.012
34 1.09.264 8 20 1.09.494
35 2.38.114 17 9 2.37.126
36 1.15.565 3 2 1.14.928
37 0.48.662 17 3 0.48.334
38 1.44.357 18 5 1.42.944
39 0.35.243 11 3 0.34.712
40 1.00.653 9 2 0.59.942
41 1.04.514 8 7 1.04.430
42 1.22.840 15 4 1.21.899
43 1.23.549 8 4 1.22.874
44 1.16.540 3 2 1.16.413
45 1.08.247 5 2 1.08.116
46 2.36.818 18 19 2.36.852
47 1.36.931 10 2 1.36.090
48 1.48.177 6 3 1.47.773
49 1.12.922 1 4 1.13.346
50 1.14.389 2 1 1.14.124
51 1.22.992 2 3 1.23.275
52 1.32.782 4 3 1.32.638
53 1.06.540 2 6 1.07.272
54 1.52.780 5 2 1.52.140
55 1.16.576 2 3 1.16.662
56 1.10.947 8 5 1.10.780
57 1.34.095 3 2 1.33.873
58 1.45.865 1 3 1.46.011
59 1.11.847 3 1 1.11.332
60 1.10.806 3 2 1.10.727
61 1.19.373 1 2 1.19.580
62 1.29.862 2 3 1.29.928
63 1.05.872 4 2 1.05.526
64 1.48.715 1 2 1.48.731
65 1.15.343 2 1 1.15.035
66 1.08.802 4 2 1.08.598
67 1.34.154 2 20 1.44.065
68 1.34.532 4 1 1.34.390
69 1.46.949 2 6 1.47.425
70 1.49.379 2 1 1.49.061
71 1.08.767 3 1 1.08.674
72 1.10.839 1 2 1.10.855
73 1.08.412 1 2 1.08.506
74 1.15.174 1 2 1.15.333
75 1.47.140 3 1 1.46.874
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Juan Pablo Montoya

Juan Pablo Montoya

Hélio Castroneves

Hélio Castroneves

33 Wins

34 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 2h07m37.963 15 3 2h07m05.500
2 1h54m43.664 4 11 1h55m11.697
3 - 21 19 1h40m59.481
4 - 16 3 2h04m25.850
5 2h40m49.553 5 2 2h40m48.290
6 1h50m03.941 12 5 1h49m40.668
7 1h46m01.305 13 1 1h45m53.341
8 2h01m26.152 3 8 -
9 1h51m25.662 2 9 1h51m33.783
10 2h28m13.179 1 2 2h28m15.520
11 - 18 2 1h15m47.664
12 1h53m06.940 11 19 -
13 1h44m52.256 2 11 -
14 2h09m34.536 5 18 2h10m01.457
15 2h33m06.389 4 14 -
16 2h16m58.107 1 4 2h17m09.545
17 1h47m21.246 5 2 1h47m19.917
18 1h37m48.721 3 2 1h37m37.457
19 1h56m29.699 14 15 1h56m32.482
20 1h42m49.290 3 6 1h43m13.829
21 3h05m56.528 1 7 3h05m59.310
22 - 10 6 1h29m07.602
23 1h52m58.311 4 3 1h52m57.795
24 1h39m08.670 7 3 1h39m03.848
25 1h56m56.829 4 2 1h56m49.063
26 1h55m36.218 11 15 1h55m39.214
27 2h09m25.516 6 15 2h09m40.327
28 2h13m28.465 1 4 2h13m37.788
29 1h49m42.840 9 11 1h49m46.417
30 1h34m06.699 4 3 1h34m05.321
31 1h49m03.449 5 7 1h49m07.872
32 1h50m32.273 8 2 1h50m23.057
33 1h40m57.390 3 5 1h41m31.697
34 - 9 5 -
35 1h39m22.923 7 5 1h39m20.838
36 - 20 2 1h42m40.220
37 1h50m20.294 11 15 1h50m26.306
38 1h42m17.561 13 3 1h42m01.300
39 2h00m30.958 3 7 2h00m45.791
40 1h43m39.434 10 5 1h43m18.218
41 3h13m05.073 6 2 3h13m03.559
42 - 10 9 -
43 1h41m14.525 5 6 1h41m19.520
44 2h41m08.043 2 1 2h40m59.579
45 1h40m28.372 3 2 1h40m15.261
46 6h00m28.963 3 12 -
47 - 17 5 2h40m39.393
48 2h41m01.618 5 10 2h41m18.545
49 2h41m36.883 3 15 -
50 - 8 3 21h59m27.314
51 - 9 4 12h00m27.256
52 1h41m03.241 3 2 1h41m02.108
53 2h41m05.736 1 5 -
54 1h40m15.563 1 3 1h40m30.450
55 6h00m19.115 3 5 6h00m46.016
56 2h48m07.181 3 5 2h48m09.737
57 2h41m43.342 2 7 2h43m38.953
58 2h41m11.681 1 2 2h41m21.465
59 - 4 3 10h00m50.651
60 - 4 8 -
61 2h42m05.461 6 7 2h42m06.848
62 - 9 1 2h43m13.909
63 - 6 1 6h00m54.929
64 - 7 1 2h40m07.918
65 10h00m23.568 3 2 10h00m22.761
66 2h40m48.633 2 1 2h40m48.146
67 12h00m46.692 2 8 -
* Results when both drivers finish the race