

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Marco Andretti and James Hinchcliffe finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Marco Andretti and James Hinchcliffe have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Marco Andretti is slower than James Hinchcliffe.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Marco Andretti is faster than James Hinchcliffe.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Marco Andretti vs James Hinchcliffe (Race)

  • Results are based on when Marco Andretti and James Hinchcliffe finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Marco Andretti for winning, -1 point for losses against James Hinchcliffe.

Evolution of Marco Andretti vs James Hinchcliffe (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Marco Andretti and James Hinchcliffe have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Marco Andretti for winning, -1 point for losses against James Hinchcliffe.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



Andretti Autosport

Marco Andretti

Marco Andretti

James Hinchcliffe

James Hinchcliffe





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Marco Andretti ( 5.17%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Marco Andretti

Marco Andretti

James Hinchcliffe

James Hinchcliffe

19 Wins

32 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.01.789 8 4 1.01.970
2 1.10.651 15 2 1.10.522
3 1.10.593 19 6 1.09.210
4 1.21.849 11 4 1.21.995
5 2.39.677 4 2 2.38.954
6 1.12.653 23 13 1.11.651
7 1.00.614 22 9 0.59.595
8 1.16.988 15 12 1.28.740
9 1.06.114 9 14 1.06.434
10 1.18.892 14 11 1.18.788
11 1.19.419 16 6 1.19.310
12 1.06.645 1 13 1.07.376
13 1.01.688 7 4 1.01.822
14 1.07.489 7 22 1.07.777
15 1.21.171 10 5 1.20.989
16 2.37.713 3 9 2.38.541
17 1.19.462 14 10 1.18.974
18 0.48.153 2 13 0.48.444
19 0.42.858 1 2 0.42.882
20 0.17.418 2 5 0.17.564
21 1.21.347 1 3 1.21.658
22 1.00.602 11 16 1.00.508
23 0.59.820 15 10 0.59.675
24 1.05.856 4 16 1.06.219
25 1.18.623 11 9 1.18.313
26 1.19.473 20 11 1.19.318
27 1.01.790 15 5 1.01.212
28 1.06.067 8 11 1.06.116
29 1.08.017 8 2 1.07.940
30 1.08.663 9 2 1.08.340
31 1.10.248 13 11 1.25.131
32 2.36.152 6 2 2.35.952
33 1.18.874 18 2 1.17.978
34 1.18.182 18 2 1.16.373
35 0.48.568 17 9 0.48.283
36 1.00.329 16 5 0.59.652
37 1.01.031 16 7 0.59.513
38 1.20.820 5 6 1.20.882
39 0.34.845 8 14 0.35.107
40 0.59.981 23 9 0.59.352
41 1.39.836 16 17 1.41.519
42 0.43.739 9 13 0.43.972
43 1.18.268 13 4 1.17.956
44 1.07.255 18 11 1.06.698
45 0.48.632 11 15 0.48.766
46 1.12.051 26 20 1.11.147
47 2.35.798 1 6 2.36.610
48 1.09.714 3 21 1.10.963
49 1.09.373 9 15 1.09.575
50 1.01.683 23 4 1.01.362
51 2.36.608 25 16 2.36.139
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Marco Andretti

Marco Andretti

James Hinchcliffe

James Hinchcliffe

14 Wins

19 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 - 14 4 2h00m01.638
2 2h02m13.616 11 6 2h02m03.422
3 - 14 6 2h08m24.543
4 - 15 3 1h52m25.083
5 1h39m30.796 14 12 1h39m22.382
6 1h40m16.677 8 5 1h39m56.074
7 - 14 15 -
8 - 8 13 -
9 2h22m28.916 3 1 2h22m12.550
10 2h09m35.875 3 1 2h09m34.738
11 2h40m03.781 4 21 -
12 1h52m36.967 5 9 -
13 1h30m28.739 9 1 1h30m16.026
14 1h41m20.787 4 8 1h41m25.718
15 1h44m18.698 9 10 1h44m19.065
16 2h20m50.949 4 8 2h20m55.845
17 2h17m12.894 10 7 2h16m55.186
18 - 7 4 3h13m45.909
19 1h40m44.370 2 7 1h40m47.987
20 1h50m03.284 10 6 1h49m41.439
21 1h46m20.587 16 5 1h45m57.993
22 1h51m32.728 8 5 1h51m30.275
23 1h52m14.388 9 14 -
24 2h28m22.627 9 12 -
25 1h16m45.753 16 8 1h16m15.490
26 - 13 19 -
27 2h09m41.911 8 12 2h09m44.963
28 - 11 5 2h33m10.351
29 - 14 18 -
30 - 22 11 1h42m45.490
31 3h10m21.153 13 7 3h10m09.357
32 - 22 13 1h33m01.235
33 2h37m59.743 19 21 2h38m00.231
* Results when both drivers finish the race