

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Pascal Wehrlein and Gary Paffett finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Pascal Wehrlein and Gary Paffett have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Pascal Wehrlein is slower than Gary Paffett.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Pascal Wehrlein is faster than Gary Paffett.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Pascal Wehrlein vs Gary Paffett (Race)

  • Results are based on when Pascal Wehrlein and Gary Paffett finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Pascal Wehrlein for winning, -1 point for losses against Gary Paffett.

Evolution of Pascal Wehrlein vs Gary Paffett (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Pascal Wehrlein and Gary Paffett have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Pascal Wehrlein for winning, -1 point for losses against Gary Paffett.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



HWA Team

Pascal Wehrlein

Pascal Wehrlein

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Pascal Wehrlein ( 1.20%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Pascal Wehrlein

Pascal Wehrlein

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

11 Wins

18 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.32.840 15 14 1.32.834
2 1.20.668 9 17 1.21.322
3 1.37.846 16 21 1.38.384
4 0.48.008 4 5 0.48.033
5 1.29.836 20 21 1.29.925
6 1.25.246 5 19 1.25.577
7 1.17.547 1 8 1.18.291
8 1.31.063 6 10 1.30.965
9 1.33.483 6 16 1.33.708
10 1.32.486 5 1 1.32.264
11 1.32.885 11 10 1.32.881
12 1.37.518 4 14 1.38.135
13 1.38.176 2 3 1.38.218
14 1.38.080 12 9 1.37.994
15 1.36.780 2 5 1.37.025
16 0.48.253 14 4 0.47.872
17 0.48.477 18 2 0.47.739
18 1.30.838 2 1 1.30.778
19 1.30.774 4 1 1.30.225
20 1.18.444 10 6 1.18.398
21 1.18.034 3 1 1.17.948
22 1.47.103 11 8 1.46.774
23 1.47.645 8 4 1.47.434
24 1.22.557 9 2 1.22.231
25 1.22.331 6 2 1.22.146
26 1.37.449 14 10 1.37.123
27 1.23.748 5 1 1.23.404
28 1.33.124 14 2 1.32.737
29 1.33.427 15 3 1.32.846
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Pascal Wehrlein

Pascal Wehrlein

Gary Paffett

Gary Paffett

9 Wins

14 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 1h07m34.405 11 12 1h07m37.812
2 1h16m05.906 5 12 -
3 1h15m28.722 8 16 1h15m38.461
4 1h10m28.179 10 15 1h10m39.858
5 1h15m47.314 1 13 -
6 58m15.030 5 1 58m03.639
7 58m08.196 6 3 58m07.166
8 58m01.801 8 9 58m02.127
9 57m36.511 3 1 57m27.909
10 57m50.206 13 6 57m25.365
11 1h18m15.314 16 18 1h19m06.036
12 56m40.951 13 2 56m13.599
13 56m30.917 9 13 56m45.071
14 57m32.014 4 1 57m29.724
15 56m48.064 6 2 56m45.688
16 57m40.827 7 6 57m39.534
17 56m34.766 4 2 56m24.301
18 58m46.251 12 14 58m58.163
19 57m41.596 7 3 57m21.631
20 57m48.046 9 5 57m24.617
21 57m02.906 13 10 57m01.189
22 58m00.413 6 3 57m50.404
23 57m10.935 11 4 57m02.575
* Results when both drivers finish the race