

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Ryan Hunter-Reay and Zach Veach finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Ryan Hunter-Reay and Zach Veach have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Ryan Hunter-Reay is slower than Zach Veach.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Ryan Hunter-Reay is faster than Zach Veach.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Ryan Hunter-Reay vs Zach Veach (Race)

  • Results are based on when Ryan Hunter-Reay and Zach Veach finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Ryan Hunter-Reay for winning, -1 point for losses against Zach Veach.

Evolution of Ryan Hunter-Reay vs Zach Veach (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Ryan Hunter-Reay and Zach Veach have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Ryan Hunter-Reay for winning, -1 point for losses against Zach Veach.

Wins (by Year)

Pole Positions (by Year)

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



Andretti Autosport

Ryan Hunter-Reay

Ryan Hunter-Reay

Zach Veach

Zach Veach





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Zach Veach ( 11.21%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Ryan Hunter-Reay

Ryan Hunter-Reay

Zach Veach

Zach Veach

40 Wins

3 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.02.038 6 14 1.00.458
2 0.39.838 8 23 0.41.872
3 1.07.141 7 14 1.08.176
4 1.07.780 4 11 1.07.989
5 1.10.098 13 18 1.10.337
6 2.38.738 14 25 2.39.469
7 1.15.335 3 18 1.16.315
8 1.34.502 8 11 1.34.646
9 0.47.439 10 16 0.47.674
10 1.43.381 3 11 1.43.226
11 0.35.625 3 14 0.36.200
12 1.00.661 6 17 1.00.556
13 1.04.989 3 12 1.07.228
14 1.22.642 4 7 1.22.725
15 0.57.969 5 6 0.58.105
16 1.17.627 1 10 1.17.911
17 1.01.078 5 13 1.00.906
18 1.46.322 3 9 1.46.542
19 1.09.076 11 23 1.09.447
20 1.07.152 7 17 1.07.782
21 1.08.623 14 21 1.08.817
22 2.37.979 22 28 2.38.352
23 1.15.142 7 8 1.15.148
24 1.15.720 10 3 1.15.262
25 0.47.226 4 12 0.47.543
26 1.43.698 17 13 1.43.448
27 0.59.044 11 15 0.59.289
28 0.36.652 9 20 0.37.504
29 1.05.732 10 18 1.06.211
30 0.48.858 9 15 0.49.302
31 0.58.182 6 11 0.58.214
32 1.10.691 9 16 1.10.840
33 0.48.378 4 5 0.48.453
34 1.10.576 12 22 1.11.276
35 1.45.656 2 17 1.46.470
36 1.45.153 6 18 1.46.181
37 0.18.790 12 22 0.19.452
38 0.18.470 4 22 0.19.948
39 2.36.081 5 17 2.36.548
40 0.24.902 8 23 0.25.566
41 0.24.914 12 17 0.25.029
42 1.06.728 3 13 1.07.210
43 1.31.909 12 8 1.29.235
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Ryan Hunter-Reay

Ryan Hunter-Reay

Zach Veach

Zach Veach

27 Wins

6 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 2h17m50.486 5 16 -
2 1h44m04.367 5 16 -
3 - 20 4 1h53m25.348
4 2h01m24.409 2 13 2h02m20.378
5 1h50m39.302 18 23 -
6 2h59m49.355 5 23 -
7 1h39m26.443 2 12 1h39m47.681
8 1h33m50.578 1 13 1h34m58.222
9 2h00m59.945 5 16 -
10 1h40m19.792 2 22 -
11 - 16 7 1h37m32.583
12 1h44m36.675 7 10 1h44m39.606
13 2h00m10.362 2 19 -
14 2h02m19.166 1 14 2h03m24.656
15 2h00m05.289 3 22 -
16 1h56m02.058 8 12 1h56m20.711
17 1h42m04.944 5 17 -
18 2h00m57.238 17 12 2h00m47.731
19 1h15m42.819 5 8 1h15m44.595
20 1h52m23.460 4 8 1h52m26.977
21 1h40m41.562 11 18 -
22 - 16 13 -
23 - 17 7 1h57m10.702
24 1h45m16.955 3 21 -
25 2h16m08.408 8 14 -
26 1h54m21.778 10 18 1h55m04.911
27 1h38m46.075 8 4 1h38m44.342
28 1h42m49.812 13 14 1h42m51.540
29 1h54m13.854 4 16 1h54m32.519
30 3h10m13.049 10 15 3h10m24.484
31 1h32m31.900 11 22 -
32 1h29m22.137 5 20 -
33 1h34m19.893 3 17 1h35m20.068
* Results when both drivers finish the race