Results of Fernando Alonso vs Formula 3000 Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
Marc Goossens 3 0 (100.00) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Marc Goossens 3 1 (75.00) %
Fabrice Walfisch 2 3 (40.00) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying

Fabrice Walfisch

Race Fernando Alonso Time Pos Pos Fabrice Walfisch Time
1 ?? 11 6 ??
2 ?? 27 8 ??
3 ?? 20 8 ??
4 ?? 13 23 ??
5 ?? 3 16 ??

Marc Goossens

Race Fernando Alonso Time Pos Pos Marc Goossens Time
1 ?? 15 14 ??
2 ?? 6 14 ??
3 ?? 3 12 ??
4 2.07.184 1 2 ??



* Results when both drivers finish the race

Marc Goossens

Race Fernando Alonso Time Pos Pos Marc Goossens Time
1  1h10m49.575 6 10  1h10m52.522
2  1h21m30.647 2 19 -
3  1h08m04.964 1 2  1h08m19.565