2011 Porsche Cup Deutschland Hockenheim
May 1, 2011
4.574 Km x 18 Laps = 82.33 Km
Pole Position
Robert Renauer , 1.41.882
Fastest Lap
Nicolas Armindo , 1.42.863

Entry List

Entry List

Lap Chart

Lap Chart

Time Graph

Time Graph

Filter by Driver

Laps exceeding 103% of the fastest lap time have been removed (e.g., due to safety cars, driver mistakes, or pit stops)

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Click in any team to compare the lap times of the drivers of that team and click again to hide the lap times
Laps exceeding 103% of the fastest lap time have been removed (e.g., due to safety cars, driver mistakes, or pit stops)



Driver Entrant Laps
Driver Total

AVG Lap Time

AVG Lap Time

AVG Lap Time / Standard Deviation

Driver Entrant Avg Lap Time (s) ? Standard Deviation (s) ?
  • Drivers need to complete more than 50% of the race to be qualified for this table
  • Laps exceeding 103% of the driver's fastest lap time have been removed (Safety Cars,mistakes and Pit stops included)

Compare Times

Compare Times

Driver 1 faster than Driver 2 - Green line, negative values

Driver 2 faster than Driver 1 - Red line, positive values