Results of Michele Alboreto vs DTM Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
Christian Danner 3 7 (30.00) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Christian Danner 4 7 (36.36) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying

Christian Danner

Race Michele Alboreto Time Pos Pos Christian Danner Time
1 1.02.51 17 20 1.02.74
2 0.54.860 19 18 0.54.570
3 1.53.00 14 18 1.51.77
4 1.28.13 10 7 1.27.35
5 0.52.19 18 21 0.52.60
6 1.33.84 18 17 1.33.27
7 1.01.390 19 15 1.00.760
8 1.44.03 20 19 1.43.47
9 1.42.05 21 19 1.41.12
10 1.16.32 17 12 1.16.11
11 1.38.20 20 21 1.38.27



* Results when both drivers finish the race

Christian Danner

Race Michele Alboreto Time Pos Pos Christian Danner Time
1 - 15 16 -
2 - 7 9 -
3 - 12 8 32m19.35
4 18m47.48 8 3 18m42.53
5 - 14 1 40m24.09
6 - 17 9 39m38.19
7 - 11 8 38m40.80
8 40m31.77 13 12 40m17.85
9 33m44.87 16 15 33m33.65
10 33m28.07 15 16 33m29.80