Results of Álex Palou vs 2016 Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
Konstantin Tereshchenko 11 3 (78.57) %
Steijn Schothorst 10 5 (66.67) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Konstantin Tereshchenko 7 1 (87.50) %
Steijn Schothorst 6 2 (75.00) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying
Teammate Race Álex Palou Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Konstantin Tereshchenko 1 1.37.248 24 19 1.36.070
Konstantin Tereshchenko 2 1.20.309 17 22 1.20.651
Konstantin Tereshchenko 3 1.49.053 15 16 1.49.138
Konstantin Tereshchenko 4 1.34.017 12 18 1.34.233
Konstantin Tereshchenko 5 1.28.838 8 14 1.29.107
Konstantin Tereshchenko 6 2.05.880 10 20 2.06.769
Konstantin Tereshchenko 7 1.39.045 10 21 1.40.216
Konstantin Tereshchenko 8 1.56.155 13 16 1.56.563
Steijn Schothorst 9 1.37.248 24 14 1.35.598
Steijn Schothorst 10 1.20.309 17 18 1.20.378
Steijn Schothorst 11 1.49.053 15 17 1.49.358
Steijn Schothorst 12 1.34.017 12 23 1.34.678
Steijn Schothorst 13 1.28.838 8 9 1.28.918
Steijn Schothorst 14 2.05.880 10 15 2.06.201
Steijn Schothorst 15 1.39.045 10 18 1.39.439
Steijn Schothorst 16 1.56.155 13 9 1.55.981



* Results when both drivers finish the race
Teammate Race Álex Palou Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Konstantin Tereshchenko 1 37m23.596 19 17 37m16.862
Konstantin Tereshchenko 2 28m46.111 14 21 28m54.286
Konstantin Tereshchenko 3 35m49.428 16 18 -
Konstantin Tereshchenko 4 38m29.922 10 20 38m44.395
Konstantin Tereshchenko 5 27m55.897 2 13 28m20.356
Konstantin Tereshchenko 6 36m07.736 11 16 36m12.252
Konstantin Tereshchenko 7 30m24.406 14 17 30m28.862
Konstantin Tereshchenko 8 40m54.817 14 16 41m19.445
Konstantin Tereshchenko 9 38m26.046 11 17 38m39.807
Konstantin Tereshchenko 10 30m37.118 7 14 30m45.463
Konstantin Tereshchenko 11 36m17.232 14 17 36m32.238
Konstantin Tereshchenko 12 27m10.100 19 17 26m51.998
Konstantin Tereshchenko 13 38m27.427 10 8 38m23.943
Konstantin Tereshchenko 14 30m29.946 5 6 30m29.973
Steijn Schothorst 15 28m46.111 14 22 28m55.017
Steijn Schothorst 16 35m49.428 16 20 -
Steijn Schothorst 17 34m03.811 11 12 34m04.722
Steijn Schothorst 18 38m29.922 10 14 38m30.706
Steijn Schothorst 19 27m55.897 2 5 28m00.498
Steijn Schothorst 20 36m07.736 11 22 36m17.320
Steijn Schothorst 21 30m24.406 14 20 30m30.826
Steijn Schothorst 22 40m54.817 14 6 40m28.114
Steijn Schothorst 23 32m11.130 11 7 32m05.944
Steijn Schothorst 24 38m26.046 11 13 38m29.023
Steijn Schothorst 25 30m37.118 7 13 30m42.415
Steijn Schothorst 26 36m17.232 14 5 36m02.639
Steijn Schothorst 27 27m10.100 19 10 26m43.804
Steijn Schothorst 28 38m27.427 10 6 38m21.020
Steijn Schothorst 29 30m29.946 5 7 30m30.357