Results of Giuseppe Farina vs 1940 Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
Carlo Felice Trossi 2 0 (100.00) %
Carlo Pintacuda 2 0 (100.00) %
Clemente Biondetti 2 0 (100.00) %
Consalvo Sanesi 1 0 (100.00) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Clemente Biondetti 1 0 (100.00) %
Carlo Felice Trossi 1 0 (100.00) %
Carlo Pintacuda 1 0 (100.00) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying
Teammate Race Giuseppe Farina Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Carlo Felice Trossi 1 3.37.85 1 4 3.45.28
Carlo Pintacuda 2 3.37.85 1 5 3.50.48
Clemente Biondetti 3 3.37.85 1 2 3.43.91



* Results when both drivers finish the race
Teammate Race Giuseppe Farina Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Carlo Felice Trossi 1 9h10m16.4 2 8 9h36m55.6
Carlo Felice Trossi 2 1h54m16.49 1 3 1h55m09.36
Carlo Pintacuda 3 9h10m16.4 2 7 9h25m47.4
Carlo Pintacuda 4 1h54m16.49 1 6 2h02m52.33
Clemente Biondetti 5 9h10m16.4 2 4 9h13m37.4
Clemente Biondetti 6 1h54m16.49 1 2 1h54m45.96
Consalvo Sanesi 7 9h10m16.4 2 7 9h25m47.4