Results of Pierre Dieudonné vs 1986 Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
David Kennedy 1 0 (100.00) %
Takashi Yorino 1 0 (100.00) %
Klaus Niedzwiedz 0 1 (0.00) %
Steve Soper 0 1 (0.00) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Steve Soper 3 10 (23.08) %
Klaus Niedzwiedz 3 9 (25.00) %
Siegfried Müller Jr. 1 0 (100.00) %
Takashi Yorino 0 2 (0.00) %
Yojiro Terada 0 1 (0.00) %
Yoshimi Katayama 0 1 (0.00) %
David Kennedy 0 1 (0.00) %
Mike Thackwell 0 1 (0.00) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying
Teammate Race Pierre Dieudonné Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
David Kennedy 1 1.23.590 28 27 1.23.457
Klaus Niedzwiedz 2 2.03.53 11 15 2.04.45
Klaus Niedzwiedz 3 1.46.57 9 10 1.46.81
Klaus Niedzwiedz 4 2.27.08 13 9 2.24.40
Klaus Niedzwiedz 5 1.25.49 9 8 1.25.32
Klaus Niedzwiedz 6 2.02.67 8 4 2.01.75
Klaus Niedzwiedz 7 1.51.39 7 4 1.50.78
Klaus Niedzwiedz 8 2.40.00 6 10 2.41.15
Klaus Niedzwiedz 9 1.36.96 8 6 1.35.44
Klaus Niedzwiedz 10 1.22.65 8 2 1.21.82
Klaus Niedzwiedz 11 1.49.11 6 2 1.48.37
Klaus Niedzwiedz 12 1.33.72 5 2 1.33.37
Klaus Niedzwiedz 13 1.47.91 4 2 1.47.69
Mike Thackwell 14 3.32.33 2 1 3.31.91
Siegfried Müller Jr. 15 2.40.00 6 10 2.41.15
Steve Soper 16 2.03.53 11 15 2.04.45
Steve Soper 17 1.46.57 9 10 1.46.81
Steve Soper 18 2.27.08 13 9 2.24.40
Steve Soper 19 1.25.49 9 8 1.25.32
Steve Soper 20 3.32.33 2 1 3.31.91
Steve Soper 21 2.02.67 8 4 2.01.75
Steve Soper 22 1.51.39 7 4 1.50.78
Steve Soper 23 2.40.00 6 10 2.41.15
Steve Soper 24 1.36.96 8 6 1.35.44
Steve Soper 25 1.22.65 8 2 1.21.82
Steve Soper 26 1.49.11 6 2 1.48.37
Steve Soper 27 1.33.72 5 2 1.33.37
Steve Soper 28 1.47.91 4 2 1.47.69
Takashi Yorino 29 3.44.74 29 25 3.43.31
Takashi Yorino 30 1.23.590 28 27 1.23.457
Yojiro Terada 31 3.44.74 29 25 3.43.31
Yoshimi Katayama 32 3.44.74 29 25 3.43.31



* Results when both drivers finish the race
Teammate Race Pierre Dieudonné Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
David Kennedy 1 - 13 15 -
Klaus Niedzwiedz 2 - 6 4 -
Steve Soper 3 - 6 4 -
Takashi Yorino 4 - 13 15 -