Results of Susie Wolff vs 2008 Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
Mathias Lauda 2 6 (25.00) %
Gary Paffett 0 7 (0.00) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Mathias Lauda 2 9 (18.18) %
Gary Paffett 1 10 (9.09) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying
Teammate Race Susie Wolff Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Gary Paffett 1 1.34.574 17 10 1.33.891
Gary Paffett 2 1.23.087 18 12 1.22.692
Gary Paffett 3 1.46.258 19 15 1.44.914
Gary Paffett 4 1.19.664 18 17 1.19.454
Gary Paffett 5 0.48.581 15 9 0.48.295
Gary Paffett 6 1.33.873 18 13 1.33.165
Gary Paffett 7 1.40.367 15 4 1.38.649
Gary Paffett 8 0.43.284 18 8 0.42.824
Gary Paffett 9 1.08.435 18 13 1.07.924
Gary Paffett 10 1.32.029 15 16 1.32.276
Gary Paffett 11 1.34.665 17 12 1.33.742
Mathias Lauda 12 1.34.574 17 18 1.34.725
Mathias Lauda 13 1.23.087 18 16 1.22.913
Mathias Lauda 14 1.46.258 19 17 1.45.644
Mathias Lauda 15 1.19.664 18 15 1.19.339
Mathias Lauda 16 0.48.581 15 14 0.48.663
Mathias Lauda 17 1.33.873 18 15 1.33.644
Mathias Lauda 18 1.40.367 15 14 1.39.961
Mathias Lauda 19 0.43.284 18 16 0.43.049
Mathias Lauda 20 1.08.435 18 16 1.08.390
Mathias Lauda 21 1.32.029 15 18 1.32.722
Mathias Lauda 22 1.34.665 17 15 1.34.459



* Results when both drivers finish the race
Teammate Race Susie Wolff Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Gary Paffett 1 1h00m21.550 16 7 59m51.682
Gary Paffett 2 1h06m25.783 14 11 1h06m22.145
Gary Paffett 3 1h00m51.290 15 12 1h00m21.327
Gary Paffett 4 - 15 11 1h02m17.978
Gary Paffett 5 1h05m40.963 12 4 1h04m52.440
Gary Paffett 6 - 19 8 -
Gary Paffett 7 1h11m39.745 12 4 1h10m22.496
Mathias Lauda 8 1h00m21.550 16 15 1h00m14.034
Mathias Lauda 9 1h06m25.783 14 13 1h06m24.678
Mathias Lauda 10 1h00m51.290 15 16 1h00m52.194
Mathias Lauda 11 1h02m05.360 10 8 1h01m59.868
Mathias Lauda 12 - 15 13 1h02m28.929
Mathias Lauda 13 1h05m40.963 12 10 1h05m33.695
Mathias Lauda 14 - 19 16 -
Mathias Lauda 15 1h11m39.745 12 15 -