Results of Xandinho Negrão vs 2012 Teammates


Teammate W L % Wins
Felipe Maluhy 1 1 (50.00) %
Rubens Barrichello 1 1 (50.00) %
Marcos Gomes 0 5 (0.00) %


Teammate W L % Wins
Felipe Maluhy 1 2 (33.33) %
Marcos Gomes 0 5 (0.00) %
Rubens Barrichello 0 3 (0.00) %



* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying
Teammate Race Xandinho Negrão Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Felipe Maluhy 1 1.10.291 8 9 1.10.316
Felipe Maluhy 2 1.03.361 14 11 1.03.157
Felipe Maluhy 3 1.04.251 18 10 1.04.347
Marcos Gomes 4 1.43.512 28 16 1.43.140
Marcos Gomes 5 0.55.638 28 5 0.54.818
Marcos Gomes 6 1.08.785 15 5 1.08.177
Marcos Gomes 7 1.11.163 18 11 1.10.757
Marcos Gomes 8 1.20.803 24 2 1.20.223
Rubens Barrichello 9 1.21.477 22 15 1.21.246
Rubens Barrichello 10 0.59.824 31 8 0.59.502
Rubens Barrichello 11 1.43.296 26 8 1.43.179



* Results when both drivers finish the race
Teammate Race Xandinho Negrão Time Pos Pos Teammate Time
Felipe Maluhy 1 - 10 11 -
Felipe Maluhy 2 - 21 12 42m25.648
Marcos Gomes 3 44m16.859 20 11 43m51.773
Marcos Gomes 4 - 25 5 -
Marcos Gomes 5 - 10 5 -
Marcos Gomes 6 42m44.088 20 7 42m20.586
Marcos Gomes 7 43m09.518 22 21 43m04.355
Rubens Barrichello 8 42m06.432 19 22 -
Rubens Barrichello 9 53m29.600 24 22 52m43.035