

Races (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button finish the race ordered by date.

Qualifying (Head-to-head)

  • Results are based on when Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button have no technical problems in qualifying

Seconds / Km

  • Positive values (Red) indicate that Fernando Alonso is slower than Jenson Button.
  • Negative values (Green) indicate that Fernando Alonso is faster than Jenson Button.
  • Wet qualifying sessions are not included in the graph.
  • Results ordered by date.

Evolution of Fernando Alonso vs Jenson Button (Race)

  • Results are based on when Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button finish the race ordered by date.
  • +1 point for Fernando Alonso for winning, -1 point for losses against Jenson Button.

Evolution of Fernando Alonso vs Jenson Button (Qualifying)

  • Results are based on when Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button have no technical problems in qualifying
  • +1 point for Fernando Alonso for winning, -1 point for losses against Jenson Button.

Wins (by Year)

Both drivers had no wins

Pole Positions (by Year)

Both drivers failed to take Pole Positions

Fastest Laps (by Year)

Podiums (by Year)

Both drivers did not get any podium

Points (by Year)

Points when both drivers finish the race



McLaren International

Fernando Alonso

Fernando Alonso

Jenson Button

Jenson Button





Pole Positions



Fastest Laps






Total Points



Points / Finished Races



Race Wins (H2H)



Qualifying Wins (H2H)


Race Performance (H2H): Jenson Button ( 18.59%)

  • Total Points: Old F1 scoring system.
    • 1st - 10 Points
    • 2nd- 6 Points
    • 3rd - 4 Points
    • 4th - 3 Points
    • 5th - 2 Points
    • 6th - 1 Point
  • Race Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers finish the race
  • Qualifying Wins (H2H): Head-to-head when both drivers have completed qualifying laps without any mechanical/accident issues
  • Race Performance (H2H): Head-to-head comparison showing which driver makes the biggest improvement in the race compared to their respective qualifying positions



Fernando Alonso

Fernando Alonso

Jenson Button

Jenson Button

22 Wins

9 Wins

Race Qualifying Time Pos Pos Qualifying Time
1 1.41.746 18 17 1.41.636
2 1.39.280 18 17 1.39.276
3 1.27.760 13 14 1.27.854
4 1.10.736 15 17 1.12.632
5 1.34.959 17 18 1.35.207
6 1.24.563 15 16 1.24.739
7 1.51.420 18 17 1.50.978
8 1.26.154 17 16 1.26.058
9 1.46.328 12 15 1.47.019
10 1.34.785 14 16 1.35.664
11 1.40.144 16 13 1.39.763
12 2.00.265 11 14 2.01.193
13 1.43.187 17 12 1.42.668
14 1.26.125 12 13 1.26.304
15 1.38.826 12 13 1.39.093
16 1.37.807 14 12 1.37.701
17 1.23.981 10 12 1.24.348
18 1.15.363 10 13 1.15.352
19 1.14.338 10 12 1.14.437
20 1.45.270 14 19 1.45.804
21 1.08.154 14 5 1.09.900
22 1.32.343 10 17 1.32.788
23 1.21.211 7 8 1.21.597
24 1.16.041 14 12 1.15.909
25 1.23.273 13 15 1.23.399
26 1.44.553 9 13 1.45.144
27 1.32.689 15 17 1.32.851
28 1.37.417 12 19 1.38.327
29 1.20.282 11 13 1.20.673
30 1.12.266 10 17 1.13.276
31 1.41.106 9 12 1.41.272
* Results when both drivers have no problems in qualifying



Fernando Alonso

Fernando Alonso

Jenson Button

Jenson Button

11 Wins

10 Wins

Race Race Time Pos Pos Race Time
1 - 12 14 -
2 1h46m59.064 5 9 1h47m17.013
3 - 13 14 -
4 Power 18 14 -
5 - 11 16 -
6 1h38m37.234 10 9 1h38m30.491
7 1h51m47.519 11 6 1h51m20.761
8 - 15 14 -
9 - 17 12 -
10 1h40m31.144 12 13 1h40m35.881
11 - 6 10 -
12 2h00m54.209 5 9 -
13 ERS 18 6 1h28m15.813
14 - 13 12 -
15 - 12 8 -
16 - 14 12 -
17 1h38m17.981 7 9 1h38m34.892
18 - 16 18 -
19 1h39m46.571 5 9 -
20 - 13 12 -
21 3h01m45.770 10 16 3h02m23.330
* Results when both drivers finish the race